Who We Are
We are Christian believers who confess that by nature we are sinners, but who have been saved by Jesus’ sacrifice, and who desire to serve God together. We meet together on the Lord’s Day, Sunday, to worship God. Our worship services are public meetings - you are most welcome to join with us in worshipping our God. In our services we sing praises to God and pray to him. We also hear God speak to us from his Word, and are encouraged in our Christian lives as this Word is explained to us. We believe that Christian fellowship is important. As believers we share in Jesus Christ and in all his treasures and gifts. Since this is so, we consider it our duty to use our gifts readily and cheerfully for the service and enrichment of the other members of the church. The membership of our church represents a variety of nations and cultures, reflecting both our history and the diversity of the population of New Zealand.
Church Activities
Our church participates in various activities, inclusive of:
- Bible studies
- Men’s study group
- Women’s study group
- Hospital and home visitations to the sick and those in need
- Christmas Carols and Cake event
- Kurios Conference
- Prayer meetings
- Shared meals